Monday, December 16, 2019
Tonight I went over to Jonessallin’s house to make our dish for our Fully Catered Learning Experience. We excluded fish because it was expensive so we made some rolls with spam. We decided to chose this because we thought it would be very different and a fun challenge. Personally I’ve have always wanted to learn how to make sushi because I loveeee sushi. This was a very fun thing to do with Sen, we were best friends in 5th and 6th grade and got separated to different Jr. Highs. It really brought back some nostalgic memories. Thank you so much Sen! I hope you guys enjoy the sushi! ᕙ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿) ᕗ
Ready to Read, Dr. Preston
(Sorry for turning in late I had something going on at home.)
I arrived in your class on August 12th, 2019. I was a student with lots of problems, still am, but this class has provided an outlet for me to learn how not to let my problems affect my school work. My first impression of you was immediately noticing you are very open minded and straight forward. I like when teachers are like that and very understanding towards their students. It didn’t really surprise me when you cussed the first day, I was just like oh that’s so cool. When it first came to journals and blog, I didn’t keep up with them at all. On night I stayed up until 11 completing 17 blogs. My favorite part of this class was memorizing the poems, my favorite one was,¨The Road Not Taken.¨ the point where I felt the most tension was when I had to finish up 17 blogs in one night to prove I deserved the grade of a B. I handled this by just looking forward to having that letter grade. I then set reminders on my phone to keep track my work and not miss anymore blogs. When I would fall back, I would complete it after I was done with what was assigned for that day. I am a different learner now because I’ve learned more diligence on how to work with my anxiety and life problems and not legit affect my school work. Self Reliance has helped me with that. I’ll never forget my interview on how I was able to be very open and share my story. I have felt so much confidence ever since. Thank you Dr. Preston.
I arrived in your class on August 12th, 2019. I was a student with lots of problems, still am, but this class has provided an outlet for me to learn how not to let my problems affect my school work. My first impression of you was immediately noticing you are very open minded and straight forward. I like when teachers are like that and very understanding towards their students. It didn’t really surprise me when you cussed the first day, I was just like oh that’s so cool. When it first came to journals and blog, I didn’t keep up with them at all. On night I stayed up until 11 completing 17 blogs. My favorite part of this class was memorizing the poems, my favorite one was,¨The Road Not Taken.¨ the point where I felt the most tension was when I had to finish up 17 blogs in one night to prove I deserved the grade of a B. I handled this by just looking forward to having that letter grade. I then set reminders on my phone to keep track my work and not miss anymore blogs. When I would fall back, I would complete it after I was done with what was assigned for that day. I am a different learner now because I’ve learned more diligence on how to work with my anxiety and life problems and not legit affect my school work. Self Reliance has helped me with that. I’ll never forget my interview on how I was able to be very open and share my story. I have felt so much confidence ever since. Thank you Dr. Preston.
Meet My New Vocabulary!!!
- Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious : extraordinarily good; wonderful.I
- Insatiable : impossible to satisfy.
- Kudos : praise and honor received for an achievement.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
My NEW Big Question :)
Why do we develop anxiety and depression? And why is it that when we fall into an anxiety attack we feel like it’s he end of the world and it feels like you’re dying?
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Interview : Pro - Tips
>There is no 2nd chance to a 1st impression.
>make direct eye contact
>have a nice, firm handshake
>always accept the water
Thursday, November 14, 2019
On Self - Reliance V
- Society is a wave : Our society has been ever changing since the dawn of time. Come back to the present, there’s always trends in clothing or the way people speak / act.
- "The civilized man has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet. He is supported on crutches, but lacks so much support of muscle.
- They measure their esteem of each other by what each has, and not by what each is. But a cultivated man becomes ashamed of his property, out of new respect for his nature.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
On Self - Reliance IV
- Stay true to your own words
- Be open to new ideas
- “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”
- “To be great is to be misunderstood.” >> none of these people were understood because of the entire ideas they first had.
- “Men imagine that they communicate their virtue or vice only by overt actions, and do not see that virtue emitía breath every moment.”
- Ones tendency unites all
- What kind or ripple affect do you create?
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
On Self- Reliance Part III
- “Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.”
- Don’t act like you are good if you aren’t good
- When something is good, call it good.
- He’s not against charity, he does it without care.
- Emerson has a deep belief that people are good.
- Virtue : behavior showing high moral standards; honesty, integrity, generosity.
- “For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure.”
- Emerson says the negative reactions aren’t about us, it’s about how their idea has been going, so certain things can bring someone’s day down and make it 100x worse than before.
- People of certain eduction or temperament, when they disagree they’ll attack you.
- The game is bigger than the player.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Rhetorical Strategies Part I
>The author, Johannes is a philosopher who works with engineers in “Stanford’s Center for Automotive Research”. (Self - Driving Cars Article)
>Diana Devicha - credible bez, she has a Ph-D in psychology and is an assistant clinical profesor at Yale Child Study Center / Emotional Intelligence which makes her credible to talk about.
>Diana Devicha :, “School with a positive climate foster healthy development, while negative school climate is associated with higher rates of student bullying, aggression, victimized and feeling unsafe.”
>Diana Divecha : “A majority of teachers report that they feel unprepared to deal with classroom bullying. Some teachers bully students themselves, or show a lack of empathy towards children who are bullied.”
>Diana Devicha : “Do leaders understand that uninterrupted severe bullying can interfere with lifelong negative consequences on targets of bullies, the bullied and eyewitness.”
>Diana Devicha : “For example, preschoolers are expelled from school at the highest rate of all, but the neurological hardware for their self - control is only just developing.”
>”A study of 36 first graders showed that teachers were made emotionally suppose of students, children were less aggressive and had greater behaved self - control, composed to the use of behavior management which did not improve student self - control.” - Diana Devicha, Prevent Bullying)
>”So a school’s specific issues can be addressed, and the flavor of local cultures retained. School climate assessments can be completed periodically to track the impact of improvements.” - Diana Devicha
>The author, Johannes is a philosopher who works with engineers in “Stanford’s Center for Automotive Research”. (Self - Driving Cars Article)
>Diana Devicha - credible bez, she has a Ph-D in psychology and is an assistant clinical profesor at Yale Child Study Center / Emotional Intelligence which makes her credible to talk about.
>Diana Devicha :, “School with a positive climate foster healthy development, while negative school climate is associated with higher rates of student bullying, aggression, victimized and feeling unsafe.”
>Diana Divecha : “A majority of teachers report that they feel unprepared to deal with classroom bullying. Some teachers bully students themselves, or show a lack of empathy towards children who are bullied.”
>Diana Devicha : “Do leaders understand that uninterrupted severe bullying can interfere with lifelong negative consequences on targets of bullies, the bullied and eyewitness.”
>Diana Devicha : “For example, preschoolers are expelled from school at the highest rate of all, but the neurological hardware for their self - control is only just developing.”
>”A study of 36 first graders showed that teachers were made emotionally suppose of students, children were less aggressive and had greater behaved self - control, composed to the use of behavior management which did not improve student self - control.” - Diana Devicha, Prevent Bullying)
>”So a school’s specific issues can be addressed, and the flavor of local cultures retained. School climate assessments can be completed periodically to track the impact of improvements.” - Diana Devicha
On Self - Reliance Part II
- Emerson talks about how young teenagers are nonchalant, teenagers don’t care what they don’t care about, and they’ll let you know that.
- Orcacals tell the truth
- Emerson’s says children barbarities and ride people who don’t have a filter are actually being their selves out load, saying it’s okay to be that way.
- We are of how people see us
- If we don’t share out loud, our voices become inaudible
Monday, November 4, 2019
First Impression of : On Self - Reliance
- Our acts our angels are, or good or ill
- Nature is PRIMAL
- Original : distinct
- Abomination : lecture / warning
- “To believe your own thoughts, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, — that is genius.”
- Latent : hidden
- Toil:work
- How can you be yourself and be someone else at the same time?
My first impression of, “On Self - Reliance”, it made me interested in the essay when Emerson starts off with, “Ne te quaesiiveriis extra.” I was very interested because this is Latin. Most of Emerson’s writing is a bit confusing but eventually you understand all the words within.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
How to Get Along Online :)
Three things I've learned and know on how to "get along" online :
- Come off as welcoming when you’re meeting new people, pay attention to hat they say and always make eye contact.
- Be understanding when it comes to conversations through text, things read/typed may come off a certain way because there isn’t really a way to show true emotion through just text.
- Be courteous in every conversation you encounter, even though they are not there in person, face-to-face, they are still taking the time out their day to talk with you and listen to you.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Monday, October 28, 2019
So This Guy Goes for A Walk / Let Me Walk You Through the Pedestrian
Bradbury’s experience and feelings : humanity, technology and authority
- Plot
- Tone
- Character
In the short story,”The Pedestrian”, by Ray Bradbury, we the audience get that glance into the year of 2053. Leonard Mead has been going on very long walks ‘till midnight for years of his life. Mr. Mead lives all alone, the only pedestrian in his neighborhood, and has never seen any other person ever walk outside. A police car stops him and asks him a series of question, this is this only police car left. Eventually they made him enter the care despite his protest and Leonard Mead realizes there is no driver, the car is automated. Bradbury expresses his tone of loneliness and sarcasm. This tones are showed when the car policeman asks, “Are you married Mr. Mead?”, Leonard replies, “Not married, nobody wanted me.”
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Art of Hosting Good Conversations
In class today, together we all came up with a few different important points to maintain a good conversation that wouldn’t be awkward, so here’s the following. :)
- Have fun
- Avoid taking
- Maintain connection
- Encourage people to talk amongst yourselves
- Stay with the topic
- Set a good example
- Value others
- Be fair
- Listen
- Welcome others
- Accept everyone
Friday, October 11, 2019
Same Words Different People
2 things I learned from my group about our vocabulary :
- Some definitions were just pulled off the internet and weren't comprehended.
- We all had the same words. After talking about them, I realized how we all have a different perspective on things. For example, with virus I thought of diseases and sicknesses, however some interpreted it was an infection that any electronical device can receive.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
How We Read
Sapere Aude : Dare to be wise
- Reading is a form of technology
- Amateurs love what they do
- "Words and ideas can change the world."
- We have fear when we don't understand
Vocabulary We Need
1. meme :

2. virus :

3. viral : a video or picture that is popular on social media that spreads fast.
4. blog : web page that is consistently updated in a conversational way.
5. wiki : website that can be freely edited by people on the internet.
6. URL :

7. website :
8. www : World Wide Web
9. Internet : a global network providing information.
10. 2.0 : a supirior version of the orignial.
11. open source :
2. virus :
3. viral : a video or picture that is popular on social media that spreads fast.
4. blog : web page that is consistently updated in a conversational way.
5. wiki : website that can be freely edited by people on the internet.
6. URL :
7. website : |
9. Internet : a global network providing information.
10. 2.0 : a supirior version of the orignial.
11. open source :
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
First Impression of a Dream
I could feel the feelings in this poems. While reading the poem, I could feel the words, I can truly understand the sentiments. This poem expresses lots of emotions.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
My Essay Essay
Young Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne is about a guy who goes on a non - typical walk. His reality is lost and it's confusing weather or not it is a dream. The theme of YGB is what's the true reality of faith? Hawthorne expresses many different examples of how many people who are involved and or surrounding us in our lives can be full of evil in their heart and minds. In this story, the author also uses symbols that represent things such as the pink ribbon that represents faith in his wife's hair. At the end of Goodman Brown's walk, all the ribbons have disappeared and drifted away, representing faith has been lost.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
do. or do not. there is no essay.
- Teachers tend to defend the educational system and assume the problem is the students. The "victim"
- Essays always have a regular, old, standard grading system.
- Hawthorn Effect???
- Honest feedback depends on trust and trust to be earned.
- Students experience trauma of their own. Anxiety in our culture has increased which leads to depression. Lives now at school, we always have to worry and practice for a active shooter. Our reward in school is just a degree and student loans.
- French word for attempt is essay
- When we write an essay, we're just trying to help the reader understand us.
- Transcend = go beyond
- We learn best when we do what we love.
- In order to become better... we must write.
- An essay is an attempt to participate in a gran human conversation in each paragraph, instead of an insult to our intelligence.
Password Management
- Your password is secure as the weakest site you are on.
- Change your password once a month.
- 5PH1NX - you'll want to have lower and uppercase letters in your password.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Young Old Good Bad
- Hawthorne's purpose for writing this story shows even the nicest of people can have the worst, negative intentions. Many of the characters that were introduced in the story, at first were described as good Christians, but then later the main character, young Goodman Brown, slowly started to discover the actual beliefs of many of the people he would consider "good Christians."
- The name Faith suits Brown's wife because throughout the story, he is always thinking about the good in his wife, and how she is his only hope left when something bad happens.
- I think the pink ribbons signify the sign of hope, similar to the month of breast cancer awareness, the pink ribbon signifies hope for everyone.
- I think everything Brown witnessed, was just all a dream. Towards the end of the story it says, "... Had Goodman brown fallen asleep in the forest, and only dreamed a wild dream of a witch meeting?"
- I believe the old man was the devil who was just tempting / taunting Brown because he would for most of the story. He would tell him lies about helping past family relatives.
- The staff means he has fallen into the hands of the devil and now on his side.
- If he didn't venture into the forest, Brown would still be naive about the townspeople and his wife. He wouldn't believe that the people that surround him everyday, are bad people.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Oh Now I Remember
The strategy I used to help myself memorize, "The Laughing Heart", was repetition and grouping. I would repeat the first couple lines out loud and when I felt confident that I had that small bit down, I would move onto the next. After that, I would repeat the two bits together until I had it solid, then I would repeat that strategy. Now that's how I memorized, "The Laughing Heart".
A Second Helping of the Socratic Seminar
- "Knowing your right" - something people should know and honor.
- Claiming the right to our own is not entitled to someone else's opinion.
- Important to understand or own individual rights.
- En local parenti - the illegal principle to allow teachers to act like parents of students during school hours.
- Claiming opinion to be right doesn't bring us closer to being right.
- Giving your opinion - it's not just saying what you think, but also you must provide evidence to prove your point.
Training Like a Memory Champ!
From what I understood from this reading, there are many different ways to help your mind memorize things. From grouping, to reciting, to writing things over and over again, to talking in front of the mirror. Everyone has at last on way to help their selves remember things and as long as it gets the job done, everything is good!
How I Read
I love reading in a quiet setting like outside hearing nature or either in my room. Reading outside helps me to focus a lot more, I love listening to the wind and the ruffle of the leaves. To me, this is how I prefer to be when reading a book. Since that is not so possible where I live, I just lock myself in my room because it always tends to be quiet in their. Overall, reading in a quiet area always helps my mind concentrate. What helps you?
Conscience of a Hacker
When I started to read the hacker, I wasn't understanding what was being said. After a few lines in , I noticed that the reading was talking about how all teenagers are " the same". Adults expect teenagers to start acting like young adults, yet they we're being treated like children and frustrates many of us. When a teenager figures out something big, older people don't really take many serious because we are still "kids", which means that they probably got the idea from someone else. Do you believe you're a hacker?
The Making of an Essay
When I write an essay, I get a writer's block for a good 15 minutes, and then I start to write a bit. Through out my school or just any day, I'll start to brainstorm ideas and then I tie them into my introduction and a body paragraphs. Writing an essay can be very frustrating because you're required to provide evidence and explain your point. Having to write something under pressure can be frighting for many especially slow thinkers like me. At the end, you get this happy and satisfying feeling that you were able to finish in the time that was given to you.
Communication Strategies of a Hacker
The Mentor's tone of voice really effectively conveys his message by demonstrating a perspective of a teenager and how they feel when adults categorize us "alike". All teenagers are different in unique ways. Many teenagers don't know how to act because of this which is why most don't share their ideas and keep to themselves.
For the Win!!!
What I feel I have done very well in this course, is keeping up with our journal topics and taking part in class. I do try my best to express myself thoroughly in our journals and take up the space needed.
So This Guy Goes For A Walk...
My first thoughts from this reading was that the story was similar to the story of Adam and Eve. The snake in both stories was very quiet, mischievous and evil. Both stories were also very interesting in their own unique way. The old man was telling Goodman Brown lots of good things about what he has done in the past and how nothing will go wrong, similar to how the snake in Adam and Eve told Eve that nothing will go wrong and everything will be fine. And what happens, Adam and Eve are banished from the Garden of Eden.
Literature Analysis #1 : To Kill A Mocking Bird
1. The plot of this story is told by six year old Jean, nicknamed "Scout". She is very adventurous, curious, rebellious and is a "tom-boy". This story is set in a small town named Maycomb, a small town in Alabama in the 1930's. So around this time is when segregation was still out and existed. Scout lives with her older brother Jem and their widowed father Atticus, who is a Lawyer here in Maycomb. Jem, Jean and their summer friend, Dil, are very curious of a mysterious man who lives across the street, Boo Radley.
2. The theme in this book is kind of like exploring the nature of human being. Close to like the difference between evil and good. Atticus is defending a case with a case with an African American and of course, all the whites are against him and claiming him guilty of what he had done. Atticus and the kids are on his side, but Jem is sort of victimized after discovering the evil behind racism during and after the trial.
3. In the beginning of the novel, Scout describes anecdotes growing up in a small town and the tone is light and sentimental. Most of this focuses a lot on times when Atticus scolds the kids for bothering their mysterious neighbor across the street, Boo Radley. Another example is when Jem invites a poorer classmate for lunch, this comes back to a sentimental tone expressing the depression era of the south. I would think the author drinks tea and has oatmeal in the morning for breakfast. She gets up early and probably meditates outside in the meadow.
2. The theme in this book is kind of like exploring the nature of human being. Close to like the difference between evil and good. Atticus is defending a case with a case with an African American and of course, all the whites are against him and claiming him guilty of what he had done. Atticus and the kids are on his side, but Jem is sort of victimized after discovering the evil behind racism during and after the trial.
3. In the beginning of the novel, Scout describes anecdotes growing up in a small town and the tone is light and sentimental. Most of this focuses a lot on times when Atticus scolds the kids for bothering their mysterious neighbor across the street, Boo Radley. Another example is when Jem invites a poorer classmate for lunch, this comes back to a sentimental tone expressing the depression era of the south. I would think the author drinks tea and has oatmeal in the morning for breakfast. She gets up early and probably meditates outside in the meadow.
- "Punk, punk, punk, her needle broke the taught circle." This is an onomatopoeia, the bold words helped me almost feel Aunt Alexandra's anger when she was knitting.
- "Your name's longer'n you are. Bet it's a foot longer." Jem is comparing Dil's long last name to his height, this is a metaphor, this helped me understand the break down of the comparison.
- "The events of the summer hung over us like smoke in a closed room." This expanded my thoughts on how Scout expresses her heavy feelings as to trapped smoke.
- Allusion : Helped me understand all the context and references in an event.
- Personification : Helped me understand the depth of the figurative language used in the book.
Am I Not Entitled to my Opinion?
When people tell me, "No one asked for your opinion.", I do get somewhat offended. I think to my self then you could've said it in a nicer way or not even say anything at all. "If you nothing nice to say, don't say it at all." Anyways, we've been expressing our opinions since we were young. We end up in an endless circle of right and wrong with one another because nothing is always correct. I wouldn't want to live in a world where one certain thing is correct. Don't you want your voice to be heard?
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Big Brothers
I had to go back and reread a bit of the first paragraph because I didn't understand it very well. Then I started to understand that it was about people making the English Language very difficult to understand and to communicate. If people don't make the English language as hard, many adults would be able to learn and communicate better with ease than needing to look or have someone to expand and help them with it.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Medium is the Message
In general, I always use snapchat for communication. Otherwise I use iMessage to text family members and email to communicate with my teachers. There is certain approaches to take when communicating via message or social media. You wouldn't text your teacher through phone number would you?
Hack 2 School Night
What is this class about?
- This class is about learning how to write and express our thoughts better.
What is the easiest part of this class?
- The easiest part for me in this class is writing out journal topics.
What is the hardest part of this class?
- The hardest part of this class is keeping up with all the blogs. I tend to fall behind on them and not post them on time.
What have you learned so far?
- I've learned that I have to be open minded and express my thoughts and feelings more, not only in writing, but in life as well.
What is your big question ?
- My big question is how does school expect us to be able to finish all the work assigned in one night? All students have a busy life outside of school, and because of school work and school activities. Many students have to stop doing outside of school activities and wait until our long breaks come around to relax. Not only that, many student athletes don't even get that long break during a vacation because coaches still assign practices.
- This class is about learning how to write and express our thoughts better.
What is the easiest part of this class?
- The easiest part for me in this class is writing out journal topics.
What is the hardest part of this class?
- The hardest part of this class is keeping up with all the blogs. I tend to fall behind on them and not post them on time.
What have you learned so far?
- I've learned that I have to be open minded and express my thoughts and feelings more, not only in writing, but in life as well.
What is your big question ?
- My big question is how does school expect us to be able to finish all the work assigned in one night? All students have a busy life outside of school, and because of school work and school activities. Many students have to stop doing outside of school activities and wait until our long breaks come around to relax. Not only that, many student athletes don't even get that long break during a vacation because coaches still assign practices.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Today I Was Thinking
Today I was thinking, why is most things all in our head? Why do we let anxiety and depression get to us when nothing is hurting us expect ourselves with all these thoughts. I know I overthink pretty much everything. I get overwhelmed usually that means I'll have an anxiety attack. Why are mental disorders existent? Things happen for a certain reason. There can be different types of impacts in your life that can lead to this. What were you thinking?
I Ain't Got Time For This!!
Everyone knows I'm a very busy girl. It's either, "Sorry, I have practice." or , "Sorry I have a jazz festival to go to this weekend." My only days off are Sundays, which annoys me. I can say, I'm stressed 24/7, I always have so much homework and I usually get home from practice around 6:00 p.m. So, what do I not got time for? Hanging out with friends on the weekend nor after school, but I would say, my friends don't tend to ask me to hangout with them because they just assume I'm just busy and I have no time for them. I'm okay with them thinking that I guess. I get to seem them during school and most of my friends are in band or on a sports team with me. I don't have time for people who don't treat me as I should be treated. I don't have time for fake friends. All I have to say, if an event or even a person is very important to me, I'll make time.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Getting to Know YOU
It's important to get to know someone because obviously, it wont be awkward talking to them because your're now comfortable to work with them. Besides that, getting to know someone will help you two work together as a team and get thing done. I was kinda confused on what we were doing but then I got the hang of it. I don't know very much people in this class except like 5 to 6 people, but conversations were pretty easy to start due to all of us trying to finish our scavenger hunt first. At the end, we all learned at least one thing about our class mates.
Communication Strategies of a Hacker
The Mentor's tone with the use of diction and syntax is irritable and annoyed. He was very repetitive with using the words, "Damn", "Criminal", and "Kid", which helped me understand how he is towards his audience with his tone. Teenagers act, we are criticized for being different, but we act the "same, like being laz. y or we're always on our phones. Many teenagers don't know how to act because of this which is why most don't share their ideas and keep to themselves.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
First 50 pages : To Kill A Mocking Bird
I have already seen the movie of this book. My dad was the one who got me into it. The main characters are Jean, her nickname is Scout, her brother Jem and their father who is a lawyer in their small town of Maycomb, Atticus. The kids' best friend for the summer is Charles Baker Harris, who goes by the nickname of Dill. The kids are suspicious about Boo Radley, who lives down the street, no one has ever seen him outside, he got in trouble with the law and Atticus imprisoned him. Jem bets Dill he won't hop over the fence to touch the house. After he did so, Scout could've sworn she saw someone peeking through the blinds. This book has more interesting tha details than the movie.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The Earth on Turtle's Back
The theme of the story is a Myth. Myth is a story that explains something we don't understand, creation myths are created widely through out the world.
This story has a central and a moral, a one word synonym. The moral of this story is never give up when you're trying... determination.
Techniques :
Personification, which is anthropomorphism
antro meaning life
palatable = taste good
This story has a central and a moral, a one word synonym. The moral of this story is never give up when you're trying... determination.
Techniques :
Personification, which is anthropomorphism
antro meaning life
palatable = taste good
Friday, September 6, 2019
I Care About Your Understanding
Trust and communication is key to a healthy relationship. Arguing here and there is healthy. Loving someone isn't easy, or at least trying to let them go. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense. I guess I want to give you advice on love. Don't you think 1 year and 10 months is a long time? I'm still head over heels for this guy I've been with since freshman year. I think having all those little arguments, fun times and deep conversations on the phone helps the relationship become stronger. There's no limit to becoming closer to you partner. I believe that everyday is a step closer with them. When it comes to this person, you'd do anything for him or her, they really be the most important person in your life... your #1 Best Friend.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Everything is A Remix
Anybody can do remixing. Everything is a remix. When we make a remix, you might of combined something and made something new.
Truth behind insight is even tinier insights.
How Do We Create?
- Domain Knowledge
- Copying : mimicking someone else's actions, to acquire the domain knowledge.
- Transformation
- Edison did not invent the light bulb, he took an existing design and improved it.
- Combination: existing things and putting it all together.
All 3 of these are the basics to CREATIVITY
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Today I Asked a Question
I always have questions in my mind. Like I wonder "what if" questions a lot, in other words I OVER THINK SO MUCH. Today I asked, "How are we capable of loving someone one day and the next day act like they're someone you've never met before?" I constantly think of this because I'm in a relationship that will soon be 2 years. We've been through some tough times. I only ask this question because people are really capable to do lots of things. This kind of ties back to the Socratic Seminar about Love. How can you recover from a relationship? Someone who made you happy 24/7, now you're all alone. How can you go from loving and treating someone so good and do the same to another without having your past love crossing your mind. I may sound heart broken, but I 'm not. These thoughts are constantly on my mind. Overall, love is a special thing you could ever have with someone else.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Right to Your Opinion
When someone says, "I have the right to do what I want!", most people are offended. I can understand where they're coming from. Everyone is an individual. We can wear whatever we want, do what we want and sometimes say what we want. Say we'"re on the phone together and we hate Trump, no I do not hate or like him personally, and you said, "Darn, I hate his choices for out country, somebody outta kill him.", you'd have the Secret Services on you. Say you yell, "FIRE!!!" in a theater and it's false and someone gets hurt, that's your crime doing. But, I do get disturbed when people say things right off the bat because you can either hurt someone with what you say, make someone mad/upset and/or annoy someone as well. It's all common sense. All we need a little good and open minds in this world.
Claiming a right to your opinion
Monday, August 19, 2019
A Socratic Seminar
In our seminar we talked about why are we so interested in love and why are some people are bad at it. Love is crucial in some ways. We all want someone to ourselves. A person who makes us happier than anyone else This person brings out the best in you, you would do anything for them. I saw once on Instagram, "The person we love the most, we always allow them to hurt us the most.", why is that; we just love this person so deeply and you just don't want to lose him or her because you're probably just in love with the idea of love. Some people are bad at love because maybe someone betrayed their love and are afraid of being hurt again so they develop trust issues. I think love is our first humanly trait we are born with. Loving someone is helping someone suffer less. It took nine months to form your heart, don't let anyone break it in a second. <3
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Syllogism > Preston : Is the simplest form of a logical argument. Ex. : All lines have 180 degrees, an object has a 180 degree, theref...
The strategy I used to help myself memorize, "The Laughing Heart", was repetition and grouping. I would repeat the first couple l...