Monday, September 16, 2019

I Ain't Got Time For This!!

Everyone knows I'm a very busy girl.  It's either, "Sorry, I have practice." or , "Sorry I have a jazz festival to go to this weekend."  My only days off are Sundays, which annoys me.  I can say, I'm stressed 24/7, I always have so much homework and I usually get home from practice around 6:00 p.m.  So, what do I not got time for?  Hanging out with friends on the weekend nor after school, but I would say, my friends don't tend to ask me to hangout with them because they just assume I'm just busy and I have no time for them.  I'm okay with them thinking that I guess.  I get to seem them during school and most of my friends are in band or on a sports team with me.  I don't have time for people who don't treat me as I should be treated.  I don't have time for fake friends.  All I have to say, if an event or even a person is very important to me, I'll make time. 

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Corona-tine Day 23

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