Monday, October 28, 2019

So This Guy Goes for A Walk / Let Me Walk You Through the Pedestrian

Bradbury’s experience and feelings : humanity, technology and authority 
  • Plot
  • Tone 
  • Character 

In the short story,”The Pedestrian”, by Ray Bradbury, we the audience get that glance into the year of 2053.  Leonard Mead has been going on very long walks ‘till midnight for years of his life.  Mr. Mead lives all alone, the only pedestrian in his neighborhood, and has never seen any other person ever walk outside.  A police car stops him and asks him a series of question, this is this only police car left.  Eventually they made him enter the care despite his protest and Leonard Mead realizes there is no driver, the car is automated.  Bradbury expresses his tone of loneliness and sarcasm.  This tones are showed when the car policeman asks, “Are you married Mr. Mead?”, Leonard replies, “Not married, nobody wanted me.” 

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