Tuesday, September 24, 2019

do. or do not. there is no essay.

  • Teachers tend to defend the educational system and assume the problem is the students. The "victim"
  • Essays always have a regular, old, standard grading system.
  • Hawthorn Effect???
  • Honest feedback depends on trust and trust to be earned.
  • Students experience trauma of their own.  Anxiety in our culture has increased which leads to depression.  Lives now at school, we always have to worry and practice for a active shooter.  Our reward in school is just a degree and student loans.
  • French word for attempt is essay
  • When we write an essay, we're just trying to help the reader understand us.
  • Transcend = go beyond
  • We learn best when we do what we love.
  • In order to become better... we must write.
  • An essay is an attempt to participate in a gran human conversation in each paragraph, instead of an insult to our intelligence.

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