Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Right to Your Opinion

When someone says, "I have the right to do what I want!", most people are offended.  I can understand where they're coming from.  Everyone is an individual.  We can wear whatever we want, do what we want and sometimes say what we want.  Say we'"re on the phone together and we hate Trump, no I do not hate or like him personally, and you said, "Darn, I hate his choices for out country, somebody outta kill him.", you'd have the Secret Services on you.  Say you yell, "FIRE!!!" in a theater and it's false and someone gets hurt, that's your crime doing.  But, I do get disturbed when people say things right off the bat because you can either hurt someone with what you say, make someone mad/upset and/or annoy someone as well.  It's all common sense.  All we need a little good and open minds in this world. 

Claiming a right to your opinion

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