Saturday, January 18, 2020

Notes from Today’s Lecture

The summer of our discontent

ETHOS : elements of the messenger that create the sense of creditability.
> may be non - verbal or verbal

FALLACY : An error

Martin Luther King Jr., “I Have a Dream”

  • Emancipation Proclamation came as a joy to colores slaves
  • Withering injustice : poetic, diction and syntax 
  • 100 years later the negro is still NOT FREE
  • Negro lives on lonely island of poverty in vast ocean of improvement
  • America has not kept their promise of life liberty and pursuit of happiness for black people.
  • Now is the time :
  • To make real promises of democracy
  • To lift the nation from quicksand of injustice an racism to solid rock of brother hood.
  • 1963 not an end, but the beginning 
  • No rest of tranquility in America until negros are granted actual citizenship
  • I have a dream 
  • Let freedom reign

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Corona-tine Day 23

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