Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Last Century’s Writing Styles

Genre is a made of thing.

Naturalism : Raw, political forces, Great Depression, weather, economical forces.  
Characterized by a deterministic ethos. Characters were often depicted as being driven by forces beyond their control toward inevitable fates.
The character does not change, still keeps their integrity and still is the same person inside.

Realism : Literally keeping it real. Don’t care what he thought or felt. (Richard Cory)

Modernism : Values progress, freedom, and social equality. WWI was the optimistic time.  WWI, “The war to end all wars.”, but horrifying and brutal. Modern artist and writers were liminal figures.

Liminal : Not quite what we used to be but not quite what we will become.
Institutions can be liminal like individuals.

People who don’t know the rules break the rules. I want the break the rules to say something different. Which the Modernest broke the rules, presented the word fragmentary impressionistic prose meant to represent the confusion of the new world.

Post Modernism (20th Century)

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