Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Guiding Questions : Chapter 7

  1. Gatsby stops having parties because he realized that Daisy didn't like the parties and she wasn't enjoying herself. 
  2. Gatsby fires his staff because he doesn't like how they spread rumors and don't mind their business. He replaces them with new people that won't care about his life or what he does. Their personalities reflect on Wolfsheim because they like to be unbothered.
  3. Daisy's reaction to her daughter was kind but she also wanted to point out how much her daughter looks like her and not a lot like her father. Gatsby on the other hand, doesn't really show an expression and has a blank stare. He in shock about Daisy having a daughter but only he would know. 
  4. The outing was quite interesting. Daisy teases both men while she is practically telling Gatsby her feelings for him in front of her husband Tom. 
  5. On the way back to Long Island, Gatsby tells Nick that Myrtle is dead and that Daisy killed her but he is going to take the blame. 
  6. At the end of the chapter, Tom and Daisy are talking with no emotion but they were talking really close that Gatsby had no idea what is was about and he was standing close to "protect" Daisy.  Daisy character is of an honest person that admits that she loves two guys and that at some point she loved Tom. 

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